Top 5 Things Your Contractor Should Be Doing to Ensure a Safe Construction Site

When you hire an excavation contractor, whether for a commercial or residential job, not only does the team need to move dirt and prepare the site – but safety is also a critical factor every step of the way. Hiring an experienced team ensures that your property and people on site will be protected.

The truth is that construction site safety is non-negotiable. Construction work can be a dangerous job, but there doesn’t have to be high levels of risk if everyone is following the necessary safety rules and protocols. 

Here are five of the most important things your excavation contractor should be doing to ensure that everything goes according to plan with minimal complications along the way.

1.) Construct a Plan Before the Project Start Date

A site safety plan must be designed, taking into account the unique factors on your job site. Every project is different, which is why a one-size-fits-all safety plan isn’t sufficient. A professional excavation contractor will train their construction workers on their overall safety program. Then, additional training and steps will be followed to implement a personalized safety plan for every project.

A site-specific safety plan must consider any potential safety issues that are unique to this job site. Examples include other buildings in the area, water and utilities, hazardous materials, and more. Additionally, keeping an organized and tidy site can help prevent unnecessary safety hazards. 

This proactive approach to safety creates a culture of caution when the team is on the job site. Everyone can feel protected and know that their team members are being careful to watch out for each other. In addition to the initial safety training, it’s appropriate to have ongoing conversations about updates and reminders along the way.

Ask your excavation contractor about their approach to designing a safety plan. Make sure to learn more about site-specific safety concerns and how the team is prepared to accommodate these concerns.

2.) Have Proper Protective Wear (PPE)

In the construction industry, wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) is non-negotiable. This type of equipment can be the difference between a minor or major injury. Even with the best safety plans, workplace accidents are going to happen occasionally. This PPE helps to protect against serious injuries, and could even save a person’s life.

PPE is a last line of defense against injury, and it should never be skipped. A professional excavation contractor will provide all necessary PPE to the team members – and enforce the use of this equipment.

The most common types of PPE to use on a construction site include:

  • Hard hats
  • Safety glasses
  • High-visibility vests
  • Steel-toed boots
  • Gloves

Every person needs to have safety equipment that is sized right for their shape and size, ensuring that the equipment stays in place while they are working.

3.) Call in a Markout

A “markout” is the step that needs to happen before digging on a job site: it’s the process of finding and marking any underground utility lines that are located in the area. This proactive step helps to prevent complications and injury during the project. Not only does a markout help to prevent damage, but it can also minimize service disruptions and avoid accidents that could be potentially deadly.

A skilled excavation contractor will never start working until a markout has been completed. When you are hiring a contracting team, ask about their process for completing a markout before starting work. Then, find out about their processes and procedures for working around these marked utility lines.

4.) Utilize Proper Fencing for Excavation

Since there are serious site safety concerns when excavation is happening, using proper fencing can be an important step to prevent falls and pedestrian injuries. Fencing keeps out unauthorized access, not only to protect the job site but to avoid possible accidents during all times of the day.

Certain safety standards must be met when fencing is being selected and installed. Even though the fencing is temporary, it can still be sturdy and strong. This fencing should be highly visible and durable enough to make it difficult for unwanted visitors to access the site. Additionally, fencing should be placed strategically when there are holes or ditches where people could fall in.

5.) Have Great Communication

Not only does the team need to have specific safety measures in place for all their construction projects, but it’s just as important to maintain open communication every step of the way. Several elements should be included in a communication plan, such as regular safety meetings, real-time communication, and proper channels for reporting concerns or injuries. 

When an excavation contractor fosters good communication with the team, it empowers each person to speak up if they have any concerns about safety issues. This open communication also extends to the site owner or project owner, so you are always staying informed about what is happening.

Call a Local Excavation Contractor: Mikula is Here to Help

At Mikula Contracting, we offer the full-service solutions you need for your job sites. Whether you are looking for an excavation contractor, construction management, or more, our team is just a phone call away. We offer both residential and commercial services. 

Rest assured knowing that we prioritize health and safety at all times. We promise quality results from a team that you can trust.

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