Strategies for Reducing Soil Pollution

The soil is an integral part of the natural ecosystem. If something goes wrong and land pollution occurs, then it can have a domino effect that impacts plants, animals, and humans alike. We offer soil remediation services in New Jersey to help with cleanup projects, as well as preventive solutions to reduce the risk of these problems occurring in the first place. By partnering with environmental firms we can help by digging test pits, providing soil remediation, and much more. 

While most pollution prevention strategies focus on air and water, it is just as important to prevent soil pollution. Everything is connected in the ecosystem, which means that it’s essential to take responsibility for managing waste disposal, remediating soils, and more.

What is Soil Pollution?

The term “soil pollution” refers to the presence of hazardous substances that contaminate the soil. When the land is polluted, it causes serious environmental concerns that can lead to a variety of health hazards. There are many ways that soil can be polluted as a result of human activities. Some of the most common causes of soil pollution include:

  • The use of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other hazardous farming chemicals and agricultural pollution
  • Industrial waste and improper disposal
  • Urban activities
  • Drainage from homes and commercial buildings
  • Improper trash disposal

Soil contamination might seem like a minor inconvenience. However, researchers are finding more and more links between serious health issues and the presence of pollution in the soil. There is a direct connection between human health and the environment, which is why we need to consider the long-term effects of soil quality.

Our New Jersey soil remediation services are here to help reduce the risk of soil pollution, clean up existing issues, and provide strategies to improve soil quality so you don’t have to worry about exposure and contamination in the future.

What to Do If Your Soil Is Polluted?

The worst mistake you can make with polluted soil is attempting a DIY remediation. It’s important to call for New Jersey soil remediation services without delay. You need the experts on the job to protect your property, water resources, and everyone in the area.

Several steps will be followed to ensure successful soil remediation. First, we evaluate the conditions to determine the source and severity of the problem. This process gives us all the information that is needed to ensure optimal results with the treatment plan.

Next, we can move forward with your personalized soil remediation services. Different treatment methods can be used for contaminated soil, including:

  • Bioremediation
  • Chemical oxidation
  • Soil stabilization
  • Physical methods (soil washing)

Three Ways to Reduce Soil Pollution

While soil remediation can be used to clean up soil pollution, the ideal solution is to take a proactive approach to preventing the issues in the first place. Instead of the hassle and expense of soil washing and cleanup in the future, you can avoid reduced soil quality through careful steps to keep pollutants out of the soil. Many of these strategies improve soil quality to protect these important resources for future generations. 

1. Properly Dispose of Waste

When various types of waste are dumped into the environment, toxins from the disposal can seep into the soil and affect many aspects of the environment. Instead of simply dumping waste, the proper disposal of solid waste includes proper treatment prior to the release of waste into the environment.

This proper waste disposal method is a long-term solution to reduce the risk of soil contamination. For example, if the waste is highly acidic or alkaline, then it must be neutralized before disposal. Any biodegradable waste should be taken to a controlled environment where it can be broken down.

In order to ensure proper waste disposal, our soil remediation services will categorize the type of waste depending on the level of contamination. In situations where the waste is mildly or moderately contaminated, we can use specific steps before releasing the treated waste into the environment. On the other hand, waste and soil that is heavily contaminated need to be strictly managed and controlled to avoid the serious consequences that can happen if something goes wrong.

2. Limiting the Use of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides

Every New Jersey soil remediation services provider will agree that it is cheaper to focus on soil pollution prevention than it is to pay for the remediation of polluted soils. Regardless of the way the land is being used, be proactive about minimizing the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. 

While these commercial products can offer immediate benefits, such as promoting the growth of vegetation cover or minimizing pest damage, the chemicals can have a long-term effect on soil quality. One of the biggest concerns with modern farming is the way the contaminants can add up over time as property owners use chemicals year after year.

While strict standards are controlling the use of certain pesticides and fertilizers, new products are always entering the market. If you have doubts about the safety of the products you are using, then talk to a New Jersey soil remediation services expert for more information and personalized recommendations.

3. Practicing Sustainable Land Management to Control Soil Erosion

It’s important to understand the impact that soil erosion has on water quality. When water runoff is happening on the soil surface, it picks up pollutants and contaminants along the way. Not only can erosion be a factor in water management and pollution concerns, but it’s also challenging to stabilize the site and protect structures when the water is unmanaged.

Land management protects your livelihood, ensures long-term soil quality, and helps you reduce the risk of soil pollution. The more you learn about land and water management, the more you will see that these services are an excellent investment.

Chat With an Experienced Professional About New Jersey Soil Remediation Services

Do you need help with New Jersey soil remediation services? Then Mikula is the team to call! We invite you to reach out at your convenience to learn more about available services. Not only do we offer soil remediation in NJ, but we can also assist with excavation, site preparation, and more. 

Schedule an appointment for personalized recommendations from a contracting team you can trust. We are always here to help. 

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